
The Movement

Retail Tuesday is more than just buying and selling sneakers. Think if it as a movement. See it as a community. We believe intently in the powers of a community to establish and constantly build towards the greater good. Retail Tuesday consists of buyers and sellers who know what it means to miss out on the latest sneakers. We know how important it is to use sneakers as a way of helping to define your sense of style. We also know that your sense of style is one of the important ways in which you define who you are as a person.

Retail Tuesday is more than just a hot twitter hashtag. It is more than something that comes and goes every Tuesday. It is a movement. It is something  that seeks to take the best elements of sneaker culture, and move them towards a future.

We want you to come along for the ride. We want you to connect with buyers and sellers who are going to take you seriously, and take what you want out of sneakers seriously. Retail Tuesday can give you the definitive experience you are looking for We are not against the ideology of reselling, nor are we against the basic principles held by resellers.

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